With just over 5 weeks remaining in the school year, now is the time to proactively prepare your school to be emergency and incident-ready for 2024, ensuring the safety and well-being of students, staff, and the continuity of operations into the new year.
Here is how you can be fully prepared:
- Create or update your Emergency Response Plan, Critical Incident Management Plan and Business Continuity Plan
- Update your Emergency Evacuation Diagrams
- Schedule your 2024 training, lockdown drills and evacuation drills
- Establish your eLearning for wardens, chief wardens, assembly area wardens and call-takers
- Check and refill Emergency Response / Evacuation Kits
- Check and refill First Aid Kits
- Check and order Emergency Control Organisation (warden team) identification (vests, caps or hats)
- Check and order Safety Signage
- Check Emergency Evacuation and Lockdown Systems
And in the spirit of the festive season, we want to get you ready with the following offers for a limited time. To redeem, simply use codeword M3TC44 at the checkout:
If you require any assistance getting emergency and incident-ready, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.