How Emergency Drills Validate Your Plans

by | 24 Apr 2023

Emergency drills are an essential component of corporate emergency preparedness. They serve as a practical way of testing and strengthening the response capabilities of an organisation when faced with all types of emergencies.

Achieving sign off and buy-in on your plans is important, but it’s the validation of your response strategies that creates trust and builds confidence in those who may have to lead the process of an evacuation.

Your plans and response strategies are ‘draft’ until you practice them. So an emergency drill with key leadership and all staff is a critical step towards full resilience.

Emergency Drills builds confidence

The primary role of emergency drills, (both lockdown and evacuations) is to train employees and occupants on how to respond effectively to emergency situations. 

During drills, employees and occupants learn how to evacuate a building, seek shelter, contact emergency services, and manage critical situations such as fire outbreaks, bomb threats, personal threats, armed threats or workplace accidents, to name a few.

But they are also practicing critical steps that have been strategised within your response plans in a safe, controlled environment.

Helping mobility impaired persons safely evacuate, when and how to call the leadership team, how to liaise with emergency services, or how to manage crowds are all skills that should be honed before they’re needed. 

Emergency Drills help fill the gaps

Effective emergency drills also help organisations identify gaps in their emergency plans, equipment, or procedures. This is particularly prevalent if your organisation is practicing drills on regular occasions; providing more opportunities to identify issues.

With practice, you can fine-tune the aspects of your emergency preparedness, helping to mitigate potential risks and prevent disasters from escalating. 

The key with this is to ensure that staff are learning and identifying gaps in a confident and non-judgmental approach. Drills are there to validate, and identifying gaps in your processes is a positive step towards your resilience.

Emergency Drills builds a resilient culture

Emergency drills help to build a culture of safety within an organisation, which in turn builds the confidence in individuals. 

By emphasising the importance of emergency preparedness and providing regular training, you can create a sense of responsibility and awareness among employees. You can build a strong culture of resilience if your emergency management is a day-to-day consideration.

This, in turn, can lead to faster and more effective responses during actual emergencies where individuals step up and handle the situation with admirable confidence.

Overall, emergency drills play a crucial role in corporate emergency preparedness by ensuring that employees are trained, plans are tested, and vulnerabilities are identified and addressed. 

By investing in regular drills, companies can improve their ability to respond to emergencies, protect their personnel and assets, and minimise losses from unforeseen events.

If you want help writing and running your next emergency drill or designing an evacuation diagram, you can call our professionals at Bounce Readiness today.

School Resilience Survey

This specific survey focuses on lessons learnt from incidents over the last 12 months, and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.