What if… a student is the threat?

by | 20 Aug 2024

Dealing with a student who poses a threat in a school environment is a serious matter that requires careful handling. Here are some crucial steps to take if a student is the threat:


  1. Take necessary actions in accordance with the emergency response plan to ensure the safety of other students and staff, such as evacuating the immediate area, locking down parts of the school (if necessary) and ensuring compliance with legal requirements and guidelines. Emergency Services may need to be called if the threat cannot be diffused or if a weapon is involved.


  1. If the student is not armed and can be regulated, follow the processes documented in their Independent Learning Plan to support them in regulating. If the student is armed, maintain distance, and gain the support of the emergency services to control the situation.


  1. Gather as much information as possible about the student’s behaviour, statements made, and other concerning signs. Consider any past incidents or disciplinary issues.


  1. Keep parents or guardians informed about the situation while respecting the privacy and confidentiality of all involved parties. Collaboration with parents is crucial in addressing the issue effectively.


  1. Offer support and resources to affected students, staff, and families to address any concerns, anxiety, or trauma resulting from the situation.


If you have known students that will need additional support during an emergency, it is best practice to add an emergency management section into their Independent Learning Plan. This should detail what is needed prior to an emergency to prepare the student, and what actions to take during an emergency.

School Resilience Survey

This specific survey focuses on lessons learnt from incidents over the last 12 months, and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.