During an evacuation, designated wardens search each area within a building to confirm all areas are clear. However, if some areas are inaccessible or there is reduced staff to take on the warden role, determining who is on-site during the evacuation may be difficult.
So, what if you cannot determine who is on-site during an evacuation?
🟠 Establish a sign-in sign-out process for staff, contractors, and visitors for during and after hours
🟠 Designate, clearly sign-post, and train staff on assembly area locations
🟠 Utilise communication systems such as intercoms and public address systems to make announcements and encourage individuals to respond or make themselves known if they are still present on the premises
🟠 Utilise technology such as CCTV or access control systems to help identify individuals still on site
🟠 Assign any available individuals to sweep through the premises to ensure all areas are clear
🟠 Keep a record of individuals who have been identified as missing or unaccounted for. Provide this information to emergency services as soon as possible
🟠 Collaborate with emergency services, providing them with as much information as possible about the situation, including the layout of the premises and any known hazards
🟠 Determine the best way to manage after-hours emergency processes, including sweeps of occupied areas
🟠 Conduct roll calls for persons under 18 years of age