With just over 5 weeks remaining in the school year, now is the time to proactively prepare your school to be emergency and incident-ready for 2024, ensuring the safety and well-being of students, staff, and the continuity of operations into the new year. Here is how...
Business managers in the school or government sectors have likely heard the term “Learning Management System” (LMS) thrown around, or frequently use these tools internally. But they’re still a relatively new consideration for other industries. So, what is...
As technology advances and integrates into our daily lives, eLearning has become an increasingly popular training method, especially for adult learners. However, training the older generation with technology can be challenging and often has a higher adoption curve. ...
Even before covid-19 and ‘pandemic’ was the buzz word around the office, organisations were beginning to consider hybrid working environments as a way of bringing more work life balance to the workplace. Such arrangements would allow employees to have more personal...
As technology, demands, and markets seem to develop faster each day, senior managers know that eLearning and online training is a rapidly becoming an industry must when keeping employees engaged and knowledgeable. But with so many providers and options out there, how...
Remote work has accelerated in the last three years with many companies adopting work-from-home (WFH) policies and onboarding new tools to support this shift. While this has created new opportunities and benefits for both companies and employees, it has also created a...
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